Graphing calculators games

most of us know about games on graphing calculators. what’s the best game? I love drugwars!

i like that game to, but tetris is probably my favorite because i can play that for hours!

racer…definately racer

Oh come on! It’s all about NIBBLES!!! :wink: That one got me through many a geometry class :stuck_out_tongue:

~ lora

Stick with the classics, Centipede Millipede is the best.

I LOVED tetris, it kept me entertained during my long SRP (student resource period)…

DrugWars is a cool game for PalmPilot too…


Gotta go with NIBBLES! That’s how most of us passed the extra time in IA2 last year.

I was THE MAN at Drugwars, and at Nibbles, until I got my Palm Pilot. Once I got that, I never went back. :wink: You get to play real games on this thing. Then again, I have a friend who has a color Compaq handheld that he has the full version of Doom II on. He plays that in class all the time.


Its all about diamonds on the ti-86 that put me through many long days, all 22 levels. :smiley:

Tetris rocks, especially when you link up to another person. But, if I’m playing alone, I like nibbles, drug wars occupied me for some time, and what’s the name of the game where you have the paddle on the bottom of the screen and the blocks on top, and you had a ball that knocked down the blocks? I don’t seem to remember…but that game was fun. Those were wonderful ways to spend my calculus class. :slight_smile:

~Christina ºoº

DAVID KELLY!!! my dad read your post and he is disappointed that a good math student like you would waste all the memory on games… he said that if he ever has you in class he is going to delete all of it!!!

*Originally posted by volleygrrl234 *
**DAVID KELLY!!! my dad read your post and he is disappointed that a good math student like you would waste all the memory on games… he said that if he ever has you in class he is going to delete all of it!!! **

hahaha…tough luck david. ive had math teachers try that before. what you do, is you archive the programs…it drives them insane and theyre too lazy to delete them that way.

*Originally posted by volleygrrl234 *
**DAVID KELLY!!! my dad read your post and he is disappointed that a good math student like you would waste all the memory on games… he said that if he ever has you in class he is going to delete all of it!!! **

does he tech pre calc this year? cause if he does, i hope i get him now because i’ll be sure to play games in his class. and i could just make fun of your man, qasim:D :stuck_out_tongue:

SOrry Dave, you are out of luck… he only teaches geometry and Calc… and good luck with slack… i had a heck of a time with him in Algebra this year! And archiving them does work, but some teachers aren’t too lazy… at least not at perry!

thats a shame then…lazy teachers are great

*Originally posted by volleygrrl234 *
**SOrry Dave, you are out of luck… he only teaches geometry and Calc… and good luck with slack… i had a heck of a time with him in Algebra this year! And archiving them does work, but some teachers aren’t too lazy… at least not at perry! **

i have a graph link on my computer so it’s easy to upload everything back up