GRIP's auto-generated code issue

I am trying to get the GRIP’s auto-generated code to publish myContoursReport, which is used for the network table. It simply doesn’t exist, but the name does in the commented out parts.

GRIP does not publish the values.

Do something like this
You will have to change the syntax a bit for C++ but is very similar.

On the co-processor side or whatever that puts the data into the network tables.

// declare it
private NetworkTable table;

// Init NetworkTable
NetworkTable.setIPAddress("roborio-6325-frc.local"); // ip of roborio
table = NetworkTable.getTable("LiftTracker"); // what table data is put in

// in the processing
table.putNumber("distanceFromTarget", distanceFromTarget());
table.putNumber("angleFromGoal", getAngle());

Then on the roborio you get the values

NetworkTable table = Robot.table;
liftTable = NetworkTable.getTable("LiftTracker");
Double angleFromGoal = liftTable.getNumber"angleFromGoal", -1.0);
Double distanceFromTarget = liftTable.putNumber("distanceFromTarget", -1.0);

The first value is key. The second part is default values.