Which direction are you going with your robot’s ground clearance?
Low Ground Clearance - Low chance of a NOTE getting stuck in your drivetrain, but if it does, your match is likely over.
High Ground Clearance - You can drive over a NOTE without it touching your chasiss or bumpers. Can be complicated mechanically, especially with the prevalence of COTS swerve modules.
We are most likely going to do a low bumper or possibly a very low bumper if I have my way (0.5in off ground). Or we might do an under the bumper intake. We are going to figure that out this week with some prototyping.
My thinking with a low chassis is that, if the bottom of the chassis is flat, you beach yourself on the note rather than get it stuck in the middle of the chassis. From there, it’s possible to drive off unless you somehow manage to high center your entire robot on the note. With a very flat field, it will be advantageous to have the entire bottom of the robot close to the ground.