GSR 2010 Teams' Robot Sounds

Out of interest sake, do any of the FIRST teams/members who competed in the Granite State Regional in 2010 for the FRC have access to a near silent environment and decent audio equipment (ie which can record at 48Khz 16bit, uncompressed, with no apparent noise at normal levels). Plus would be willing to record their 2010 FRC robot then let me know? This is just a feel out at the moment, I will give specific instructions latter.

Just letting you know that I am one of the members on the film crew that documented Australia’s first FRC team (3132). We are expecting to release this documentary in the US and Australia on TV to promote FIRST/FRC.

Thought I might ask as it would be good to recreate the sounds of the robots battling it out at the competition as accurately as possible. I might try and let you know which teams are in the matches if the response is very high. We will credit all teams/individuals who help out.