I am trying get the Lab View sample code Gyro angle working in Lab View.
I wired it according to the example. The angle is always zero. I added a numeric indicator and it starts out reading -.02 volts. It starts increasing more positive as soon as I start example. I know it is reading the Gyro because when I hit reset, it goes back to -.02 volts and starts increasing again (without moving board).
When I move board, angle meter still doesn’t move and not much change in voltage on numeric indicator.
Note: I have board hanging and moving board with my hand, do not have mounted, just trying get example working first.
Please help, also have questions:
Do you know what voltage should be read out if board sitting steady
How much voltage change should be noticed when move board… resolution?
Has anyone experience the voltage slowly increasing as soon as turn on
If not stable, how can it be used
Spare board… look for team spare board, they have old one, green board, does anyone have info on this board, how to wire like example of new board?
old kit document on it?
I think you understand how a gyro works, but if not, here’s how it works.
The gyro doesn’t tell you angle at all at the device level. It shows you angular velocity. If you have taken calculus based physics, you know that when you integrate velocity with time, you get position, which is essentially what the software does for you.
Anyway, now that that is potentially cleared up, now you need to understand how the gyro provided works.
It’s an analog feedback gyro. When still, it should provide roughly 2.5V, which is the center position from 0V (GND) and 5V (Vdd). It won’t be exactly 2.5V, as the gyro will have a tendency to drift, which means the ‘constant’ voltage will be ~2.5V, but not exactly 2.5V. This is why there is a thermometer on the gyro, because it the gyro’s drift happens to be a direct relation to the temperature. You’ll have to look back to the datasheet to get this information. I believe most teams just ignore the temperature, because it’s trivial for their purposes (15s autonomous).
You should see 7mV per degree per second, again, 7mV for each degree / second of angular velocity. You can simply redo the code to have an anlog input, instead of the gyro block to see raw voltage. The maximum degrees / second it can read is 250, which means a 1.75V voltage swing from 2.5V, giving you an expected range from 0.75V to 4.25V.
Have you verified the wiring to the Analog Breakout board?
You should have a 12V line from the Power Distribution board going to the Analog Breakout board, protected by a 20A breaker. You should see an LED lit on the Analog Breakout board.
Verify that the Gyro is actually getting 5V using a multimeter.
It’s extremely uncommon for electronics like this to be defective.