After running practice matches at our current event we’re seeing an issue that we can’t seem to explain for fix, even after consulting with a number of knowledgeable field staff, including going up the chain to HQ. What we are experiencing is our gyro not returning proper values about 3 seconds into our autonomous routine, which seems to correspond to a voltage spike of up to nearly 16 V, according to our driver station logs. This spike corresponds with a period of aggressive negative acceleration as we approach the scale. We’ve reviewed the electrical configuration of the robot with a highly experienced CSA and he found no issues there.
Here is a match video that describes our symptoms:
For reference the drive is a 6 wheel on black higrip wheels powered by 8 redline motors geared for approximately 21ft/s limited to 18ft/s. We’re currently using 2 Talon SRX’s and 6 Victor SPX’s to control the drive motors. We’re using a NavX installed on the MXP port on the roboRIO. Our autonomous routine uses motion profiling on the roboRIO to drive the paths toward the scale and other locations on the field. As of right now it seems the only viable solution available to us is to reduce how aggressively the robot runs the auto path, which may be acceptable for this event, but will ultimately limit what we’re capable of achieving in autonomous in the long run.
What we’re looking for is feedback from teams that may have experienced similar problems relating to the control system and what they’ve done to correct the problem.