Gyro Not Zero-ing

This follows my previous post about programming the swerve. I’m working on code for 2025 with a MAXSwerve and NavX2-MXP. The issue I’m having is that the Gyroscope is not redefining a new zero/new front direction.
Last year, our swerve wasn’t necessarily field-oriented but worked by facing downfield to zero the gyro at the beginning of every match. This made the robot work like a field-oriented drive.
I have the “zero gyro” button bound as A on the Xbox controller, which creates an instant command to reset the gyro. When I tried this driving, I got the following message about the NavX ignoring the request to reset yaw:

Any help would be nice. Here is the repo link:

what do the NavX LEDs say?

I dimly recall that endless calibration is one of the NavX failure modes, but I’m not sure.

This is what the NavX looks like when TeleOp is enabled. I notice the orange LED is on and referring to the link you sent, that looks like an abnormality.

yeah. i don’t suppose the board is not horizontal, is it? that would cause this failure.

otherwise, i’d suggest contacting support to get a new one:

in the meantime, you could try one of the Redux gyros. They work great:

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