Gyro + PID problems/testing

Hi, I am trying to write a PID that uses both encoders and a gyro mounted on the robot to control our auto code. I hope to be able to turn to a specific degree, continue in a straight line (self-correcting of course) or return to a specific heading after going over or around something. Just as a note I have never successfully written a pid subsystem before and have never used sensors other than encoders and limit switches. Due to this, I am not sure where to start and what I need to know.
Later in the year, I am hoping to have access to a NavX-MXP but that is weeks away. Currently what I am hoping to use is ADXL345 (gyro/accel) but the information on Analog Devices website does not match the product. So, I am hoping to learn more about sensors in general, what all the abbreviations mean, how to wire it and where to wire it to (ic2, analog…). There is a picture of it attached here:

Please let me know if you have example code, information or anything, it all will help.

  Thank you,
       ~Walker Ward~

Start with a simple turn-to-angle loop to learn the basics, and then build up from there. Here’s a thread you might find useful - it’s actually for angle stabilization, but the principles involved are almost exactly the same.

This looks like the sensor board from page 5 of the 2014 Kit of Parts.

If so, I recall that the accelerometer on the right is an ADXL345 based board, and the gyroscope on the left is analog gyroscope. The two devices may be separated from each other if you only want to use one, or locate them in different places.
Here’s a description of use of the gyroscope.