Gyro Wiring?

This is our second year and the first time that we have attempted to use a gyro on our bot. I looked at the gyro example given in Lab View and it show a diagram intended to explain how to wire the gyro to the analog breakout. However I find this diagram to be not very detailed. Is there a better description/image out there some where explaing how exactly to wire a gyro to our bot. I dont want to take the risk of wiring it wrong and destroying the equipment. Thanks.

The gyro needs to hook up using a 3 wire “pwm cable”. Solder either the pins of the pwm cable or a 3pin female header (don’t know where to get them right off hand). The outer edge is negative (black wire), you don’t need to hook up both sets just the outer set that says “gyro”. The female end goes to the analog I/O default is port#1 if you have it hooked up for use on the default driverstation diaplay.

No…the gyro goes to the ANALOG I/O Module on the CRio…make sure you set the sensitivity to .007 V Deg/sec

Where do you set the sensitivity?

You set the sensitivity (usualy called gain) in software. The base gain for the 2010 KOP gyro is .007 volts/degree/second. In labview, one of the terminals on the open-gyro block is gain, and you can just wire a constant of .007 to it.

However, I believe that the latest labview update made the default gain .007 to match this year’s gyro, so if someone can confirm that you may not need to worry about any of this.

Until next year when your old robot code stops working because you used a default that gets changed periodically…