Latest test of auton at the Northville District.
That is inspirational. Very nice job. Our team was planning on doing this from our original strategy sessions, but we never implemented it.
Is anyone working on an alliance bridge 4-ball? I have a feeling we may be seeing bots doing those at Champs.
Awesome job!
Here is Team 341’s 5 ball auton from the Boston Regional.
This is the exact thing we are trying to do Hopefully we can get it perfect!
Jared, that was really impressive! I haven’t seen any other videos of your robot on the field, I would love you see them if you have any.
We would gladly go to the alliance bridge in Hybrid if we got a chance to play with you guys at Champs. :yikes:
Jay - Get on that!
That would be a treat, a 60 point autonomous.
Of course the video I post is the one where we don’t score in teleop due to a key falling out of our tower motor
Some other videos of our robot from Boston are here, but it requires some judicious fast forwarding.
Our strategy was to do this but it was difficult to intake two from the bridge every time because they were not always put in the center of the bridge.
Jared if I may, I’m pretty fond of this video.
Might be because of the battle for the center bridge in auton, or because you guys were nailing shots left and right…
To the two teams that have shown the 5 ball auton-
What have you been doing to make sure the balls are placed on the bridge in a position in which they can be picked up?
At our regional, as well as webcasts, I have seen that the field reset teams likes to put the balls on the bridge in funny patterns and not very uniformly at all.
If you ask nicely, do they line them up for you?
They should.
Game - The Game » Pre-Match » G05
Q. 1) The field reset crew can place the balls in any of the 15 locations that “they” (the field reset crew member) wants or 2) will there be a ball randomizer, similar to 2008? If 1 they could place the balls in the center for all of Team XXXX’s matches and on opposite sides for Team YYYY’s matches? FRC2337 2012-01-20
A. No, there will be no randomizer. The placement will generally be as close to the center of the Bridge as possible."
Game - The Game » Pre-Match » G05
Q. In a prior Q&A response, you said that prior to the beginning of the match, “The placement [of balls on the bridges] will generally be as close to the center of the Bridge as possible.” Is this the center lengthwise, widthwise, or both? FRC0341 2012-01-31
A. Both
We have an auto mode that races to the bridge first to knock down balls first, then go back and shoot from right above the key using auto aim.
While it may not be as impressive as a 5 shot auto mode, and many will be able to do this, …it might be the only alternative from preventing an opposing alliance like this kill you before teleop starts.
WOW! Very impressive! With much time to spare.
Are you guys auto aiming your last 3 shots or just driving super straight?
Adam: Looks like they are setting up at the top of the key…
Basically every placement of 2 balls on a bridge I have seen leaves the absolute center spot of the grid open (for symmetry I guess). By the Q&A rulings Joe posted, that spot should be filled first and the 4 adjacent spots filled next. I was expecting this as part of autonomous strategy going into week 1 but it seems no event (I have seen) is really following it.
Brian, I’ve also seen the same thing. One ball on either side of the center spot when there are Two Balls, The center spot is filled when there are three, a Diamond pattern when there are four and so on… But I did notice that Some events, primarily on the west coast like to make a sort of ‘Ball Blob’ when there are more than 4 balls, they’re just sort of placed on the bridge in a pile.
We are auto aiming all 5 shots (every shot we have taken in hybrid or teleop in the 52 matches we have played has been auto-aimed). We aren’t always so quick to fire the second batch, it depends how straight we drove (hence how much adjustment is needed). 5 is usually out by 13 or 14 seconds though.
Now, if only one of these teams figured out how to go to their alliance bridge and convince FIRST to let them play in the same division…
Just astounding. It’s amazing to see how teams raise the bar to the point that the roof has to be raised just to fit the new bar position. Well done!