sits down Hello Hello!! I am trying to find the hall effect source code file… Anyone have any idea lifts an eyebrow where I could find it? ponders… Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, just a general list of the hall effect sensor functions would be great…
Thx Again, Bows
As far as I know, it does not exist… What is your question?
I guess that he’s wondering if there is default code for use with the Hall Effect sensor, like we have for gyros, and the camera, and such. AFAIK, there isn’t. I’m not sure what the voltage levels are on the Hall Effect sensor, but you could possibly (I would verify this BEFORE hooking it up) use them with Kevin Watson’s encoder code by putting them on digital I/O pins. Anyone know if this is possible, and if it is, is it the best way of implementing them?
Yes. Just copy Kevin’s encoder code and delete the part where you check the quadrature input for direction within the interrupt service routine.
It worked for me…