Handing Ringers to the robots

I did not see any footage of last weekend’s regionals but I heard that several teams were handing the ringers to the robots over the wall instead of through the slot in the wall…

Is this legal to do in this year’s competition?

I thought teams were only allowed to throw ringers over the wall at the rack but had to hand the ringers to the robots through the slot in the wall and their hands or the robot could not extend past the wall.

Can someone please tell me if this is legal?

Thanks and good luck to your team!

yes it is legal

75 does it all the time w/o penalties

also the rule states that you may put the ringer through the chute, it does not say what else you can and can’t do with it.

the only restriction is that neither you nor the robot may reach over the wall

Please see the following:


G48 has been changed to allow teams to pass ringers/spoilers over the wall. Be careful to not break the plane of the alliance stationwall.

Ya I saw it too. They were more like throwing them though. And some got penalized for putting their hand past the player station.