Hangar Distances

I have a question about the hangar distances. The drawings say that the mid, high, and traversal rungs are along the same line, but some other people say that they are not. Does anyone know the true answer?

Have you checked the manual? That is the best place to look to find the true answer for any rules/field related question. If it is still unclear after looking there, come back here and we will help you out.

The manual usually contains just nominal dimensions for the field - the official field drawings are what gets built. He’s looking in the right place, presumably.

In any case, this person is clearly attempting to read official FIRST documentation. Is posting a snarky reply about how he should be reading the manual helpful for anyone here?


The Manual is correct , drawings have it within 0.01" spec

If you graph it the dimensions you will see that you can draw a straight line between those 3 rungs.

I think where the “other people” you’re talking about might be getting confused, is that the LOW rung doesn’t follow that same line and if offset from the others.

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