Happy Easter/Passover/etc.

We celebrated by decorating easter eggs:

thanks much for including passover in there :slight_smile: and nice eggs i like the target one


Chag Sameach and Happy Pesach!!

Happy Zombie Jesus Day

Ya, i am catholic and i still laugh at that one :smiley:

Ps: yay 68 posts

In the past I’ve used the wax crayon to make the FIRST symbol, but that vision target egg is hilarious. Well Done, happy Easter.

Happy Easter from the team that matches your colorful eggs. :smiley:

Although not on par with religious holidays, also to be celebrated every year on April 12th is Yuri’s Night. Yuri Gagarin become the first man to journey into space and orbit the Earth on April 12 1961. Also the first shuttle launch was Colombia STS 1 on April 12, 1981.

Happy Easter/Passover/anything else anyone celbrates! :cool:

Robot seder: