Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to every one!
One of our mentors sent out an e-mail to all the people involved on our team and it inspired me to post this, well mostly paraphrase what he said :slight_smile:
Take some time today to “give thanks” to all those important people in your life and, of course, in FIRST who help you in this great competition.
Remember your mentors, college and adult, who give up huge amounts of personal time and sometimes even money to help your team/school.
Your Sponsors, without them no one would be here, don’t forget that you can donate to CD and give a little “thanks” back to this great site.
Mentors, think about your students and all the experiences they give and new things they teach you each day.
Also don’t forget about all the students who have come and gone from your team creating this great FIRST legacy.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

P.S Also take some time to think about all the US soldiers here and all over the world that are working everyday so we can enjoy these freedoms like thanksgiving, and also the Police, Fire and EMS departments that all have people working today and every holiday to make sure we are all safe and protected.

There are plenty of things to be thankful for, even in poor economic times. Serious or silly, post something for which you are thankful, and happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for…

College football
Fantasy FIRST
Billfred’s puns
My friends and family

(not necessarily in that order.)

I am thankful for getting Rickrolled by the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. That was awesome! :smiley:



I am thankful for all my family and friends that I have.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m thankful for this wonderful CD community- through which I’ve met so many great friends and learned so much.

I hope everyone enjoys thir holiday.


I already posted this but…

I am thankful for this awesome CD community. I’ve met so many nice people over the years.

-Family (even though we’re all in the same house right now and it is c-r-a-z-y…)
-Friends. They all mean so much to me
-The fact that it’s -not- build season yet.
-Game hints- chumming for clues yet, anyone? (Dave, you’re welcome!)
-Yes, even Billfred’s puns.

Oh, and did I mention… IDK, my BFF Michelle? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m thankful for a great new crop of students.

Billfred’s puns? But what about Jane’s puns?

Hmm to be thankful for

  • That my mommy is currently cancer free.
  • That I have the best bff in the world.
  • Like Dave, for the Rick Roll on Macy’s Parade.
  • The FIRST Community that has always been there for me
  • That it is somewhat warm in Florida all year round :slight_smile: Who need’s cold?
  • The 2009 Ice Game.

I’m sure there is more, but I’ve got to go cook!

Happy Thanksgiving! To all!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I’m thankful for FIRST Robotics teams. Because without them, I might have never met my wonderful girlfriend (Soon to be fiance, but thats just between us Shhhh!).

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I hope you all have a safe holiday.

This is the last major holiday without Game hints to drive us crazy!! Enjoy it!

It is? Are you sure?


Oh NO! He changed his signature again.

Happy Turducken to everyone involved with FIRST and good well shopping to all you brave soles.

Me… 4AM at JC Penny first!
Remember don’t charge it until you see the whites of the cashier’s eyes!

(must go back to my LEGO world now…)

I’m thankful for new alliances and the potential for new opportunities.

I, too, am thankful for the Rick Rolling in the parade. It made me laugh.

I’m also thankful for my friends, my family, a roof over my head in a safe neighborhood (that can be taken for granted), the FIRST program and it’s creators, the awesome FIRST team I’m associated with, my video game community, whoever made paintball, the fact that Dave won’t torture us with any more “hints” until January 4th…

I’ll be leaving at midnight with some of my friends/teammates to go Black Friday Christmas shopping. Microcenter opens at 8am.
Should be a fun night, overall.

What have I done!?!?

Im thankful for my family and my FIRST family.

I love MORT.:slight_smile:

I do have to admit that many of Billfred’s puns are real turkeys.


Oh no!!!
Here we go again.
**Every word **Dave utters for the next 36 days will be so over analyzed that it becomes ridiculuos.

I LOVE IT!!!:smiley: :smiley:

Go Dave, go!