Harvey Vogel providing CAGE components for Minneapolis teams

Hi all! I think we’ve all seen that the CAGE is out of stock at Andymark and, per another thread, will not be restocked until “early February”. Given how important the deep climb is to many teams’ strategies, this could be a significant setback.

To help Minneapolis/St. Paul teams out this year, Harvey Vogel Manufacturing Co. will be producing a limited run of the 10 gauge mild steel components of the Cage (GE-25201-01 and GE-25201-02) and FRC 3100 will be distributing them FOR FREE to any team that can pick up in-person from Mendota Heights, MN.

This means that any local team with a welder and ~$50 for the schedule 40 pipe can make their own version that will be as similar as possible to the real thing in weight and behavior. Bonus points if you paint or powder coat it!

I believe they should be available starting Tuesday, Jan 14. If you’re interested, please fill out this form (LOCAL PICK-UP ONLY): (PICK-UP ONLY) Free Cage Components from Harvey Vogel (edited)

Also, I would advocate that teams in other areas of the world also contact their sheet metal sponsors to see if they are willing to do a similar service for their community. It’s a pretty cheap process (the material is widely-available 10ga mild steel and there is only one bending setup needed)


Thanks to all the teams that signed up! We will be distributing pairs of cage parts to 15 local teams starting tomorrow. Shoutout again to Harvey Vogel for helping us with this project.