is there any way to put the drill motor in the Fisher Price trans? i know one is metric gears and one is standard. but like is there a way to swap the drive shafts or gears? or any other motor that will fit in the tranny not suplied in our kit? im triying to hop up a power wheel and want to keep the stock tranny unless any one has any other ideas.
*Originally posted by Lotownvw *
**im triying to hop up a power wheel **
Now that’s a new one. I don’t believe the drill motor will fit in the FP tranny without some substantial modification. Also, the gear’s I believe are a different pitch. You could just build you’re own powerwheels from scratch.
Better yet, find an old horizontal shaft lawn equipment engine and then you’d be flyin’
i want to keep it all electric. i was searching around on the site and found some links to some places that sell motors. but i dont now what to look for when seeing if that motor will match up with the stock power wheel tranny. i alredy have plans for every thing elese but i just need help on the motor upgrade:]
I suppose you probably could do it… but the modifications would be very bizarre indeed. Not sure why you would want to, but I guess it’s probably technically possible.
im not real kean on the gear matching with motors but if you go here
they have motors by johson that look like they will wrok and spin faster then the fisher price that are on there. but then again i dont know the full specs on the FP motor
Well, as far as making the two motors mesh, I would suggest taking a look at their output shafts. If you can pull (or machine off) the stock gear from the drill motor and press on the Fisher-Price pinion, you have essentially solved the problem of the two meshing together. As for attaching them… zip ties anyone?
how couild i machine off the part? what i would need is like a mini pully puller to get it off.( like what u use to pull off pullys on your car but way smaller) i dont have any of the motors with me so its kinda hard to say how easy i could pull them off with. also then you have a prblem pushing the gear back on. and like u jsut said ataching them humm never thougt of that. but has any one lookd at that site at the diffrent motors?
also im working wiht the older tranny and such so i could probay use the updated trans thats more eficient and with the nicer motor. does any one know where i can go to just pick the new motor and trans up?
The PowerWheels cars do not use motor controllers - the current goes directly through switches. Those cars are already know to catch on fire and a larger motor would not help the situation. PWM controllers would be very expensive. Also, high current switches would not be cheap if you decided to go that route.
I know you want electric but I would seriously look into gas as they are fairly simple, easy to implement mechanically, more powerful, longer runing, and can be very economical. They are not dangerous if used correctly.
Could you explain the project a little more so I can get a better idea of what you are doing. I love thinking about and making personal vehicles.
well there is no way i am going gas. it would defete the idea of a power wheel at all. the problem is im at school right now and dont have the power wheel wtih me so i dont know exacrlt what is on it and what i need to replace. and what electronic components are there to wrok with. but bacialy i will only be useing the power wheel wheels , motor and trans, and body. every thing elese i am re fabing up i have a few ideas up my sleve. but bacialy a new frame , deep cycle car batt, wheel mounts and some other goodies but back on topic what are the switches amp and voltage rateings on the power wheel. what would new ones run me?
We did what you speak of in 2000, we pulled the pinion from the FP, bored it out a bit and welded it onto the drill motor shaft… and the FP gearbox already had mounting holes in it for the old drill motors(doubt they do for the new ones) but this worked very well and gave a nice speed increase.
If you want to use the drill tranny that came with it, youre going to have problems…mainly the fact that the outout shaft is threaded and you wouldnt be able to fit a gear on it to mesh with the FP gearbox unless you turned it down. It seems like your best bet is to try and pry the gear off the drill and replace it with the FP gear.
oh i ddint think about the welding idea :ahh: where can i go to pick up an extra drill motor. and i do not want to use the drill motor trans
We’ve done it and it only requires minimal modification. I’ll talk to the pit crew and get the instructions for ya. Beware, if there is too much friction the plastic gears will break and burst out the side. (I wish we had pictures of this- it looked awesome!)
ok cool let me know. and also find out how to minimise friction so i wont be blowing trannys