Searching through documentation and threads how can we use a with a talonSRX Breakout Board We Found no results to no clear How to or if its possible Solutions. We are using an Analog Bearkout.
Hall effect sensors just give a digital signal (i.e. on or off). That’s no different than a limit switch, beam break, etc. It will work as a limit switch connected to an analog breakout board. It will not, however, tell you the distance to the magnet or any other analog signal.
The input for the Breakout board appears to be sinking (0v = true) and the hall sensor output documentation appears to be sourcing (3-5v = true).
From the product description,
The sensor works with either pole of the magnet and reading the sensor is easy, 5v means component is safe to move 0v means the magnet is under it.
That sounds to me like the sensor is sinking (0V = true). In any case, I’m pretty sure that you can configure the behavior of the limit switches from the Talon to be either normally open or normally closed.
Ok then we tap off the 5vdc pin the Analog sensor is also using to power the potentiometer.
Ok So A quick confirmation.
I believe my confusion was when I read the data sheet for the Hall sensor it states a positive output but the Andymark PDF states “This Hall Effect sensor will be pulled low when a magnet is sensed and be high impedance when a magnet is not present”
The sensor output is at high impedance when magnet is not present. (Different than at V+) You will need a pull up resistor between V+ and the sensor line to pull the input positive when the magnet is not there. Otherwise it just floats around in an indeterminate state.
Presumably, the Talon has a pull-up, since the diagram doesn’t show needing a pull-up for a limit switch.
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