While I was at Kettering 2 today there were three matches that suffered a field fault and had to be replayed after the regular schedule concluded for the night, plus a fourth that was stopped mid-match and replayed a couple minutes later. From what I saw, the issue each time was that the colour sensors that count the Cargo stopped working for one alliance colour shortly after teleop started, so no Cargo or Cargo points for that alliance were added to the score from then on.
Has anyone at any other events noticed this issue? Or is do you think this is an isolated problem for this field in particular?
I’m thinking more about where this wasn’t noticed. We’ll probably find more as teams go back and review match videos to scout from other events and related.
There were sensor issues at the Humber Day 1 event. It was frustrating for us since the match we had to replay was probably the best match we had played to that point at least in terms of our individual contribution to our alliance score. These things tend to happen at week one events and we persevered and eventually qualified second overall anyway but it was so close. NOt that we would have had a chance at 1st but barely out qualified #3.
I’m seeing the opposite issue: there are balls being scored and counted for more than they’re worth (i.e. one ball is scored but seven balls are counted). Several matches at FiM Rochester and one at FiM Milford have had this happen and caused RPs and/or wins for the alliances that have had this happen to them.
Even worse, I saw 9 balls scored in auto at FiM Rochester. They actually had to abort the match and replay it because it isn’t possible to score that many balls in auto.
Outside of g204 there are very few penalties this year. They could also pull additional volunteers in to keep an eye on the goal iirc that’s what they did in 2013.
In week 2 , teams have learned a lesson from week 1. There are a lot less G204’s due to teams learning, watch team plays . As for other rules they indeed get called. Again watch the replays.
There’s like overextension, controlling 3, and launch pad contact, and shooting opponent cargo outside of the field but those are all really hard to get.
The human player penalties are really hard to get if the human player has read any part of the game manual. Also the refs don’t usually focus on the terminals at all.
Back to the cargo sensor issues, there was another issue at some week 1 events where the fms would freak out if a cargo goes in backwards and one of the sensors reads a negative value, but that has since been fixed.
I’m afraid that I agree with @Boltman on this one. And I’m also afraid that you set yourself up for what follows.
You cite a max of 5 rules (“overextending” covers two directions, each with a different rule). Without even looking at the human rules (don’t get me started on how well the HPs follow “wear aprons” and “one HP per alliance per Terminal”, and those are the easy ones*):
–contacting climbing robots
–contacting opposing robots or staged cargo on the opposite side of the field in auto
–damaging the field
–hoarding opposing cargo
–scoring cargo from the upper exits
–unsafe robots
–bumpers falling off the robot
And there’s a couple more that I’m too lazy to put in here–and did I mention that most of those have been called at some point? (Along with a fair number of the human rules, those violations are surprisingly easy to get out of a ref’s peripheral vision.)
Oh, and I almost forgot: refs score the hangs and taxis.
So, if there was an issue detected, they’d probably dedicate a few volunteers to watching the Hub. But probably not referees. More likely they’d fix it. OC spotted it, applied a fix, replayed the match, and went about the business of the day. Port Hueneme had something similar–hub was rechecked, as IIRC that was found on practice day.
*Actually, for the most part, fairly well. There are a few that for whatever reason need to be prodded to go to their position.
We noticed some Strange behavior at ISR #1
In addition to the few missed cargo, it seems that the system has some math issues? Looking at the breakdown for our world record match (QF1-2)- you can see it counted 51 high goals and 1 low goal in teleop, which should count as 103 pts, yet it displays the teleop cargo points as 101 pts. That, combined with 2 actually missed cargo(going over footage) , means that match should have been 152 pts instead of 146. While I don’t really mind (the match was won by a large margin anyway, it’s just for bragging rights), it raises the concern that this may have happened in more events