Has everyone posted their Storyboards?

I’ve been poking around on various FRC team websites but can’t find any storyboards.

Maybe the teams I’ve checked haven’t submitted an AVA entry this year or perhaps the storyboards aren’t in an obvious location.

I hope it’s not because the teams forgot to post them. The rules are very clear and I’m afraid teams without storyboards posted on their web sites will have their animations disqualified.

Rivercityrobots.org go to student site, then go to 2007 movie storyboard

Here is ours:


We wanted to get it up early, but Pete was concerned that someone would see it and get ideas :wink: So we had the web people put it up and not put a link to it. That way we could send in the web address, but others wouldn’t be able to find it.

Now that the animation is in, they will put in a link and we will also add our animation. (Have to wait until the robot is shipped tho…)

Ours is here:


When we submitted our Animation I couldn’t find the Storyboard submite area…Im scared now!

You put it on YOUR webspace

We have ours up…


Team 2070’s (Ridgefield Robotics) is at: http://www.ridgefieldrobotics.com/storyboard.html

Here’s ours http://www.pettronics.org/images/storyboard.gif

Oo i think we have worked up a little… too much on our storyboard…

Sadly we couldn’t submit our animation… But we still have learned a lot =)
Rookies make some mistakes lol

Ours is on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DhIo76GL6w).

The rules say you must post the storyboard on your web site. Technically it’s too late now but if I were you I’d get it up there, and hope Autodesk hasn’t checked yet.

Some of you have the storyboards buried. I would hate to see a team get disqualified. We have it right at our home page in three different spots.
Animation is too hard to be disqualified because the animation judge could not find your storyboards. Have a link on the home page.