This weekend I seen several cases where during or ever before a match. we had power and had communication from the robot to the player station and the field, the robot would die and the FTA said no code on the robot. reboot the robot and like magic its back. We changed Ethernet cables… any suggestion. I thought it might be firewall on the laptop but that was not the case.
This can happen if the robot software crashes. What language do you program in? Do you ever see it at home or in the pit? Try opening the driver station console window and see if there are any code exceptions or other fatal errors.
We program in Labview. We did not see this problem at our build site or in the pits , but did see other teams have similar issues at the event. We have looked for errors in the code as well as the FTA and found no errors. I think the next step is new roborio and laptop.
I feel your pain, the same thing happened to us (actually during playoffs with you if you remember). One of the FTAs finally mentioned something about the second port on the radio having known issues connecting to the FMS or serving up an IP to the roboRIO. It’s the port furthest away from the power connector. Since we use PoE to power the radio (that barrel connector sucks IMHO) we were using both ports on the radio. Once we switched away from the second port the roboRIO connected right away and we had no more issues.
We had the same issue in Indiana and switched to a new roboRIO before West Michigan where everything went well through qualifications. Our first hiccup occurred in QF2 with you guys when we had to pull the robot off the field because the FTA said we had no robot code. turns out the radio port was likely the issue then too.
Of course if you’re not using PoE then I have no clue what you’re up against…
We have had several reports similar to you. It seems to affect the radio more than the RoboRio. As always, use the ethernet port closest to the power connector on the radio for both programming at the event kiosk and for operation on the robot. I don’t know why this should be different than the other port but that is the suggestion from FRC HQ via Team Update 17.
This was a 100% fix for the “we’re sure we have code on the robot, but it shows no code when connected to the field” issue at the week 1 event I was at.
Have you tried re-imaging the roboRIO? I’ve seen a few LabVIEW teams this year with a similar (but not the same) bug. Building and deploying code doesn’t take (i.e. it says deployed successfully but no code loads). Deploying from Robot the code works. The only solution I have found is to re-image the roboRIO and rebuild and deploy the code, which has worked every time. I passed the bug up my chain of command but I don’t know how high it got.
I highly suggest you enlist the help of your friendly local CSAs in debugging an issue like this. They know a lot of useful tricks and will probably be able to help you get to the bottom of the problem quicker than you would by yourself.
Something like this happened to us for 4 of our matches in LA. Nothing worse than in the pits the robot functions fine but on the field you have the dreaded no robot code.
Turns our our rookie programmers, who were not Labview savy, were not successfully completing the compiling of the code on the RoboRio side. Might even skipped that step?
Even tried a practice match during lunch with the FTA to find the issue. No luck.
Was missed by the orange hats as well.
Luckily we had an alumni come visit while on break from college and pointed out the errors.
LabVIEW does some odd things and sometime copying and pasting from one project to the other just makes for more errors for us it seems.
Check the WPI site and make sure all the deployment steps are followed step by step.
Got everything working for the coming up HI regional, but at a cost…
Good luck,