Have the AprilTags for 2025 been officially announced?

Have the AprilTags for 2025 been officially announced?
Looking to see if they are going to change the family, etc. 36h11?

I have not seen an announcement, but I think they would have announced if they were not going to use them at all.


I think it’s pretty safe to assume by now that they’re going to keep using the 36h11 tags from last year, and if they aren’t I’m sure they’ll make an announcement before the season starts


I haven’t seen any news on them yet, but based off of how things have been going, it would be quite odd if they changed the family of tags used. But if they did, an announcement would be made, I’m sure.

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I would suggest it is pretty unlikely that FIRST will change April Tag families. My understanding is they already did a (31H11 → 16H5 → 31H11) little dance in the beginning. 31H11 is the default and most commonly used. 16H5 while possibly detected from greater distances suffers from an elevated rate of false positives.

31H11 doesn’t seem to exist… did you mean 36H11?

Yes, exactly.


I brought my April tags to the event in prior lake this weekend because FIRST asked for them back with the rest of the evergreen field components. From that I’m assuming that the same tags will be used next year. At the very least the polycarbonate backing plates will be reused.

Last year they announced in a blog in September the change of April Tag families for the upcoming season.
Suffice to say I expect no change from 2024 on this front unless they say something.

Opposite experience here…

FIRST Chesapeake asked us to help them dispose of the Apriltags on the Crescendo field (along with many other game-specific field elements) at the conclusion of Rumble #9 With Cheese on Oct 26. The teams who helped disassemble the field got to take them home.

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Same in Texas, we were told we could take the April tags.

The AprilTags are identified as Field Elements (and not Game Elements) so giving them away might have been a mistake but maybe officials knew those tags weren’t going to be reused. Thus, I am still wildly optimistic that the shiny tags will be replaced with a non-reflective finish to cut down nasty glare.


Certain Field elements or pieces of elements are given away after the last off season events of year have completed and the field is no longer going to be used. The FTAs told us exactly what was eligible to take and what wasn’t.

The key here is that they are identified as field elements which season specific even if they will be reused in an upcoming season. Field supervisors don’t get any secret information about upcoming season.