Having Trouble With Swerve (encoders)

we are having some issues with swerve we are using Neo motors with CANsparkmaxs
the driving function works great but the wheel rotation only works when we unplug the absolute encoder and only have the neo motor plugged in when both are plugged in to the sparkmax the wheel is barley responsive and when it is it turns a little bit pretty slowly and kind of jitters back and fourth

we did notice when both encoders were plugged into the sparkmax it would give off lights indicating a sensor fault error (Orange/Magenta Slow Blink)

What encoder are you using?

Assuming OP is talking about the REV through bore encoder.

EDIT: Nevermind I was incorrect.

They tagged CTRE-Encoder so its confusing

we are using the CTR SRX Mag Encoders

Hmmm I haven’t used the CTRE mag encoder with a Spark Max.

How are you connecting the encoder to the Spark Max? Are you using the data port breakout adapter?

no we are not using a breakout board we are connecting directly to the spark max

It may not be wired correctly

The schematic in this post maybe the best documentation of how it should be wired. Using the VEX SRX Mag Encoders with Spark Max - #23 by nuttle

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This post from REV last year describes the various breakout board options for the SPARK Max:

A quick look over the post leads me to believe you could use the Data Port Breakout and connect PIN 6 on the breakout board to pin 9 on the mag encoder. See page 6 of the Mag Encoder Manual for the pinout.