Hey, i came up with an ingenius method of moving our camera around on two axes, after several days of unsuccessfully trying increasingly compicated and impractical solutions.
If you take apart a joystick … (you probably can already see where i’m going with this), it has built in a nice little two-axis rotational system with the axes being read by potentioemeters. Well, with a little creativity and a Dremel and some superglue, I managed to successfully replace the potentiometers with servos.
They say that the difference between genius and insanity is measured only by success. Well I gotta say, this was incredibly successful.
I’ll be taking some pictures for you all at my next meeting (tuesday)
The guys on our team actually made a little box for the camera that had a hole and inside of the box, it looks like a little mini robot. The servo they have in the box, as I understand it, has tilt, and they’re planning on using another servo to enable it to have pan. I dunno, I may be wrong. But it looks cool.
I just stuck a tilt servo on the side of the edu bot mounting thing. Then took off the other side. Then took off everything else… Basically its all new, and kind of flimsy, but it works for now.
Just play with it. I took a piece of the one square wide edu bot metal stuff and cut it so it was 1 square x 7 squares then bent it into a U shape with one square on the bottom and three on each side. Then I bolted one side of the U to the camera and the other to the servo head. Took like an hour and isnt very strong, and has all the weight on one side, but it sort of works.
It is a great idea, and we would like to do something similar to the joystick mount system, but as one member pointed out, does it count as a pre-assembled part? Just wondering if there was anyone with thoughts on that matter.