HAVOC 2017 - September 30, 2017

FRC Team 708 - Hatters Robotics is proud to bring back our off-season event, HAVOC, for the second year.

Date: September 30th, 2017
Time: 8:00 am
Cost: $300.00 / team (Pre-Rookie Teams are FREE)
#Teams: 40 Maximum
Location: Hatboro-Horsham Senior High School
899 Horsham Road, Horsham, PA 19044
Contact Us: [email protected]

We have 9 teams registered so far, so come join the fun!

Register today at: www.team708.org/havoc

HAVOC is just over 2 months away. If you are in the Mid-Atlantic District or want to come in to visit, be sure to register to be part of the action! Volunteers are welcome too!

Team list (as of 7/26)
272 Cyber Crusaders
​433 Firebirds
​708 Hatters Robotics
747 Flight Crew
1218 Vulcan Robotics
1391 Metal Moose
1403 Cougar Robotics
1640 Sa-BOT-age
1647 Iron Devils
​2016 Mighty Monkey Wrenches
​2607 Fighting Robovikings
3314 The Mechanical Mustangs
4342 Demon Robotics
​4750 BERT
5181 LaSalle Robotics
​5401 Fightin’ Robotic Owls
5404 Gearaffes
​5684 Iron Mechs
Pre-Rookie - Astraea Robotics


We’re excited to see everyone at HAVOC this weekend!

Thanks to Team 203 for coming to help set up. Team 203 is shadowing us in preparation for their own Off-Season event, SOUPer Bowl this coming June.

Attending Teams (24 Teams):
203 Camden County Tech / Campbell’s Soup
272 Cyber Crusaders
423 Simple Machines
​433 Firebirds
​708 Hatters Robotics
747 Flight Crew + 2nd robot
816 Anomaly
1218 Vulcan Robotics
1391 Metal Moose
1403 Cougar Robotics
1640 Sa-BOT-age
1647 Iron Devils
​2016 Mighty Monkey Wrenches
​2607 Fighting Robovikings + 2nd robot
3314 The Mechanical Mustangs
4342 Demon Robotics
​4750 BERT
5181 LaSalle Robotics
​5401 Fightin’ Robotic Owls
5404 Gearaffes
​5684 Iron Mechs
Pre-Rookie - Astraea Robotics

Final Agenda and event details is on our website http://www.team708.org/havoc.html