HDPE machining

We used climb, though we’ve had the same issue with the whiskers, we just didn’t try to do conventional. Does that actually solve it? Conventional just totally ruined some aluminum parts for us back when we tried it out and we didn’t wanna risk it with actual parts that go on the robot

Yup, that video is from the first time we tried doing it, that’s the first roughing operation at 19k mm/min

That was another issue we had, we had both GT and HTD generators that some team members made before the season but we found out the HTD one was wrong back when we were still 3D printing them so through most of the season we would just download CADs for HTD from traceparts. I’ve heard of teams using this, but we hadn’t heard of it until after the season.

That has happened to us in the past with 3D printed TPU parts. No problem with HDPE so far, even though we didn’t use it on very high load applications