Does anyone know if it is possible to use heat maps on AppSheets?
Nothing built into Appsheet it seems.
Ive gotten heatmaps working in the past using Tableau instead (tutorial), but getting that to show up on a phone IIRC requires a bit of work (and an internet/data connection) .
We are actually using Tableau as our output system, and Appsheets as our input.
Do you think there is a way to collect data via Appsheets that could be translated to a heat map on Tableau?
I think this would mostly depend on what data you are trying to collect. If you are going for shooting locations, you could possibly modify this template and yoink out the comments part to track locations per team (you’d have to find a way to autodefine what team you are tracking, i think writing the team number in the comments will take too long) but under this setup you’d need people dedicated to just this task. I think that’s required if you want good heatmap data either way, but something to point out.
If you are looking to track auton paths or any real movement, i dont think this is the way to do it, appsheet or otherwise, and short of the ZEBRA tags coming to Israel (or existing in 2022 at all), I wouldnt even bother with it.
If you want to get that data into Tableau, you should format appsheet in such a way that you always get the same X/Y autofilled when you click somewhere. You can define in tableau X/Y values over a custom image by going to map->background images
and upload the map with your predetermined X/Y values as the X/Y fields in the setup menu it gives you.
This example made use of ZEBRA data from 2019, so it defaults to 54/26 (the size of the field), but you can (and should for the sake of those tracking shooting positions) make it smaller.
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