hey guys!, our team has been working hard the last 3 weeks on translating
the FIRST manual for 06’ and we are now in the final proccess of editting and making it a bit prettier

unfourtanetly due to technical problems parts 5 and 2 MAY not be available
but we are offering almost around the clock help regarding the rules

this translation will be up on our site by sunday so please check it out (if you know hebrew :stuck_out_tongue: )

it’s been a tedious poject converting all of the manual to a language
that’s only been resurrected about 60 years ago =) but I’m proud to say
we did it fairly well

team #1577 steampunk is proud to announce the translation of this manual
not only will it help other teams understand the game more easily (people still come up to me and ask what are the meanings of some words) since it will be in their native tongue, but it will be even easier to get the FIRST message across all the Israeli youth, whom, for the most part, do not speak fluent english, only partially. we will take this manual to younger youth
who will easily learn abotu this years game and the FIRST spirit by reading it in their own language, and we think it will greatly improve the understanding of ROBOTICS and engeneering…

the translation will be up and running within the next few days:

if you want your OWN copy of the translation please mail me at:
[email protected]
hey who knows, maybe in 20 years it will be worth cash :smiley:

Every year our team spends a few days translating the FIRST manuals from English to Portuguese to ease explaining rules to our non English-speaking team members (which corresponds to nearly 50% of them) and for other Brazilian teams as well. We know how exhausting and challenging it is…:D…so, once again, I congratulate you for your efforts!..

Best of luck!

Wow! this is wonderful, what a great way to promote FIRST, and the FIRST message to the people that need to hear it the most, the youth who are to be the future! Congratulations on a huge accomplishment! :slight_smile:

You guys ROCK !!!


What a nice thing to do! :smiley: The only other language I’m fluent in is Korean and there are no FIRST teams there!

Sachtein al hahatzlaha hevre!!! Ani mekave lifgosh etchem be’Atlanta.

(For all you hebrew-deprived ones:D: Congratulations (Rough translation) on the achievment guys!! I hope to meet you in Atlanta.)

Im atem rotzim ledaber, tishlehu li et haICQ shelahem.

Thanks, guys. We will definitely stay tuned and look out for the doc.
Must have been a TON of work–just understanding the ENGLISH took us like, a whole weekend…!


Crackbots - Team 1950

If this is not the essence of GP I don’t know what is. The FIRST community thanks you.

is this the proper way of making a disclaimer? I just want to be sure about it before the team uploads it, since we are still waiting for the authrization for FIRST, we just want to upload saying FIRST dosent recognize the translation officially, but we still give it right over it (whilst retaining ours)
im no lawyer but it looks ok for me…

comments please, the translation should’ve been up yesterday so I thought I might as well add a disclaimer

I made a few little changes (summarization, punctuation) otherwise, I think it looks great. Maybe someone can help with the last sentence, I don’t know if you need to put that in there if you are currently having it approved by FIRST.

Amazing idea, nonetheless. I’m glad that you guys completed this project, I’m sure it gives a number of the other Israeli teams a big boost!

you mean the part that says:
“We also also give this power to the FIRST © foundation”?

Yep, I do. Either way, I think it will work for now, since you mentioned that you are currently in the process of getting the document approved by FIRST. It can always be changed later if necessary.

OK guys the pdf’s are up and running + the DISCLAIMER for all you legal guys if you care to check it and give us some feed back:

so the file is at:

the files are on our forum under the “rules and limitations” area
I think it’s the only thread there but it’s called “the 2006 FRC Manual”

and feedback is welcomed at this E-mail:
[email protected]

CHEERS! guys, im so happy right now and it’s 3:45AM lol, my hours are switched around cause of this, our animation will be up shortly

so good luck to you all and remember to have fun!
(also remember: coffee is your friend!)