Height limit

The height restriction states that a robot resting normally on the floor cannot exceed 6’ 6” (78”).
Does this include the height of everything? So, for example, if you have a linear elevator attached to a telescoping arm, the full extension of the arm and the lift cannot exceed 78” vertically? Even if the telescoping lift is not intended to be used in the vertical direction?

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The max height of the robot is only for the vertical height. You can have an elevator that is 6ft6 high with a telescope sticking out horizontally 48" from the frame perimeter and the robot would still be legal.

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Let’s say that you have a linear elevator and a telescoping arm. The telescoping arm goes into both the vertical and horizontal dimensions.

If the telescoping arm has the potential to exceed the height requirements, but is limited based upon code or mechanics, does that still count in the rules?

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Rule G106 gives you your answer. As long as your robot never exceeds 78" during the match, you are not violating the rule, regardless of the “potential” of your robot to do so.

EDIT: This doesn’t include the starting configuration as pointed out by BCR-Jim

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Just to make sure someone reading this hasn’t read the manual carefully the starting configuration is:

a FRAME PERIMETER greater than 120 in. (~304 cm) and may not be more than 4 ft. 6 in. (~137
cm) tall.


Think of it this way, if you have a robot that is 2’6"x 2’6" (30"x30") you must stay within a box that is 6’6" h x 6’6" l x 2’6" w . You must stay within that box while playing it does not mean that you can not have a arm that could be extended far enough to reach the far corner, it just means that you can’t stick it out of the box while playing.


Ok! Thank you ^^^

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