Helicopter Dude

Many of you who were at nationals will rememeber me as the guy who who the cool flying helicopter-disk thingy with the messages on the side (a Vectron Blackhawk). I know i had fun flying it around, showing it off, and teaching a bunch of people to fly it (not the mention the people who started hitting on me… :smiley: ). Anywho, the one mistake i made was not taking amy pictures. If you have a good pic, especially of a gorup of pelple watching, please e-mail it to me, or post it here. My e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks, all

The Helicopter Dude

Is it this thing? http://hobbypeople.net/gallery/544027.asp

Hey, that’s pretty cool… I need to get me one o’ those. :slight_smile:

yeah, thats it

you can get them there, and walmart sometimes has them also. If anyone needs flyign lessons, i can offer some advice, but there are defenatly people better than me. This one guy at Nats (he was media i think) could hover it about 4 inches from his head. wow. still no pictures, oh well (hint hint hint).

Joe M

That was me. :slight_smile: I guess it was all those years of R/C Heli experience. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pics of yours, but I can send you some of mine (Vectron or Heli), if you want.

Drop me a line: [email protected]
