What happened to the “Ask a direct question. Get a quick, direct answer” feature of the Q&A forum ?? I’m having trouble getting any kind of response …
*Originally posted by Stu Bloom *
**What happened to the “Ask a direct question. Get a quick, direct answer” feature of the Q&A forum ?? I’m having trouble getting any kind of response … **
I’ve been trying to look into it for you, but I’ve been unsuccessful…anyway the Q&A Forum was primarily made as a tool for during the build season. Obviously it can be used outside the build season, but with the light traffic here during these “off” months, many moderators aren’t around. I’ve got people trying to help me find you an answer and we will let you know as soon as we hear something.
Thanks DJ. I appreciate the help - and I think others would like to know the answer to this question also.
True. This forum is staffed by great people only during the actual season starting Jan to end of competition.
I saw the question when it was first posted but had no answer; that is a hard question!
I still don’t know if anyone found the answer yet?
Could we start with something simple, like how many engineers it takes to build a FIRST robot? (answer below)
Zero, engineer don’t build, we just delegate the work and eat all the snacks.
Thanks guys … I understand how busy everyone is, and that FIRST 2004 is not quite upon us yet. But I KNOW my team is not the only one ramping up, and I thought it would be good to get a question like this answered before we get REAL busy …
I will post a new topic tying my previous posts on this subject (CAD software licenses / options) together.
Thanks again for anything you can come up with.