Hey, i’ve never used pneumatics and now i have some problems with it, beeing my first time.
What i need:
Have a cylinder that can move my gripper to 3 different positions.
Poisiton A: Grab the Ball
Position B: lift the ball up to the arm (so we can get in the 80’’ length limit while lifting the ball.
Positiion C: Gripper touches the arm, only needed in start of the match in order to get in the initial sizes of the game.
Is there any way i can easily do this?
Please remember you are speaking to a pneumatic noob, so i will probably need both an explanation on how to mechanicly do it and how to program it.
i’ve read some threads that say that i should connect 2 selenoids together, but i did not really understand how i am going to control it.
PS, the cylinder there will basicly need to make te following move:
start of match from poisition C to A, and the rest of the match just switch between positions A and B, mechanicly the order of the positions is C-B-A.
Thanks =]