Hello, this is what i came up with for shifting with a servo… It doesnt seem to work and was wondering if anyone knew how to do it. If p1_sw_top button is hit, it shifts pwm15 and pwm16 into high gear (255) if the p1_sw_trig is hit, it needs to shift into low gear (0). How can i make this work? PLEASE HELP!!!
if ((p1_sw_top == 1)) // If Top Button on Joystick 1 is hit
{ // Make the two servos…
pwm15 = 255;
pwm16 = 255;
pwm15 = 255;
pwm16 = 255;
if ((p1_sw_trig == 1)) // If Trigger is pushed on Joystick 1
{ // Make the two servos…
pwm15 = 0;
pwm16 = 0;
pwm15 = 0;
pwm16 = 0;