Help again with Servo Programming

Hello, this is what i came up with for shifting with a servo… It doesnt seem to work and was wondering if anyone knew how to do it. If p1_sw_top button is hit, it shifts pwm15 and pwm16 into high gear (255) if the p1_sw_trig is hit, it needs to shift into low gear (0). How can i make this work? PLEASE HELP!!!

if ((p1_sw_top == 1)) // If Top Button on Joystick 1 is hit
{ // Make the two servos…
pwm15 = 255;
pwm16 = 255;
pwm15 = 255;
pwm16 = 255;
if ((p1_sw_trig == 1)) // If Trigger is pushed on Joystick 1
{ // Make the two servos…
pwm15 = 0;
pwm16 = 0;
pwm15 = 0;
pwm16 = 0;

you have a contradiction with your elses

Eliminate your ELSE cases and everything should work fine. They’re negating the effect of the first IF and always set the PWMs to 0. You also may want to find the values at which the gear engages, but does not push the servo beyond its mechanical limit. Although I’m not sure it is needed.

hey thank you guys so much!