Alright, so here’s the story.
August 19, I start classes at USC. The University of South Carolina, for you Californians.
Currently, our family has two cars, a 1998 Accord (my mother’s, who she won’t give up for anything save maybe an S2000) and a 1999 Civic (my current car, which is shared with my brother). But since I’m going to be gone and will need a car of my own (gotta get back home for FIRST meetings, y’know), there’s a need for a third car.
The rules:
-When complete, the monster machine must appear to be stock.
-The team can spend no more than $10,000 in cold hard cash.
-Billfred and his crew have until the end of July. On the first day they think. For the next thirty, they hunt. And on the thirty-first day, THEY BUY!
If successful, Billfred gets to have a decent mode of transportation for his college days.
Monster Garage jokes aside, here’s what it’s gotta be:
-It oughta be from 1990 or later, unless there’s a really overriding reason otherwise.
-The car HAS to be reliable. I don’t have the time, money, or sanity to be fixing something once or twice a week.
-Automatic tranny. Someday I’ll learn to drive a stick–but not today.
-I prefer sedans, although I’m open to almost any other body style (minivan, hatchback, shoot, even granny wagons). Just please avoid SUVs.
-It’s going to need at least decent fuel economy. 20 in the city is great.
-It doesn’t have to be a Honda. They’re great cars, but I’m open to branching out into other makes.
-Cars with a history of street racing aren’t going to be great–insurance.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated…now to hope I can find a car!