Help Connecting Radio to the FRC Driver Station

Whenever we use the radio configuration utility app and we try to load the firmware to the radio via an Ethernet cable there is an error message that comes up. The error message says that the bridge failed. Then we get a similar error when we try to configure the radio too. How do we get rid of this so we can connect to the radio and drive the robot?

It would be very helpful if you could post the specific error message.

The FRC Radio Configuration tool will not function properly with multiple network adapters. Disable all network adapters except the adapter for the ethernet connection to the radio while running the utility.

What happens when you disabled all the other network adapters?

Its a pretty simple fix if Im hearing you correctly. When you upload firmware and it says bridge failed simply look to the right and perform the “what do do if the bridge fails” steps upon completing those… basically cycling power whil uploading firmware, perform the initial steps. When it says cycle power it emans unplug the radio leaving the Ethernet in, dont unplug the bot.

Hope this helps!