[HELP] cRIO not imaging as it should be

So, we’ve been having trouble imaging our cRIO for two days and can’t seem to figure out why. We periodically get the two blinks on the status lights so we installed NI MAX 5.5 and re-formatted the cRIO and re installed the software with all the add-ons. We set out LAN IP to and the subnet mask to When we try to image it it still doesn’t image(or at least starts but puts an error(Error 7)). Also the modules never show up on the Imaging Tool nor are the little switches usable. We’ve tried everything we feel that we can so any help would be awesome. Thanks.

Have you pulled the modules and checked the condition of the pins in the chassis? The HD15 connectors are susceptible to bent pins if the modules are not installed correctly.

I would start with the basics. Can you go to a command prompt and ping the crio? Let’s make sure you have communication first.

Also, you are connecting your ethernet cable directly to the crio from the computer, right?

Is it a 4 slot cRio?

So far as I can tell, there’s never a good reason to use NI MAX on a cRIO-FRC.

You say you installed “all the add-ons”? Does that include the FRC Utilities update? Error 7 usually means that a program can’t find a necessary file. Perhaps you tried to run the update from inside the compressed folder without extracting the files first.

Yes it is

How do you go about pinging the cRIO with CMD?

Well we used NI MAX to re-format and reinstall the software to the cRIO because the status light was showing a software blinking error. There were no compressed folders used. NI MAX was supposed to do the install without the need for extraction of any files.

What IP address did you assign to the cRIO in NI MAX?

Pinging an IP (or website)

from the desktop with all windows minimized and an Ethernet link directly from your computer to the cRIO (powered on)
-hold /windows key (meta)/ and while holding, press /r/
-type “cmd” (no quotes)
-press /enter/
-type “ping” then /spacebar/ then “your cRIO’s IP” (you said before:
-press /enter/

It should look something like picture 1 (“google.com” will be “”). Of course, the ping values may be different, but that is not what you are pinging to test, you just want any reply at all. If it looks like picture 2, I would try pinging “” If that fails, you may have a problem. If it works and you DO get a reply, however, there may be hope yet…

Anyways, If it is bricked, NI probably has some sort of warranty on that…

If they used the FRC cRIO Imaging tool, shouldn’t the cRIO IP be I think is the IP of their driver station.

Oh well I don’t know. Just try pinging everything from “.1” to “.10” at least one is bound to work (or not)

Who told you to use NI MAX?
What instructions did you use?
What software did you reinstall on the cRIO?

How did you install the FRC Utilities on your computer, and did you apply the FRC Utilities Update?

We set the IP to

We set the IP of the cRIO to and the IP of the computer to and 6.

We tried pinging and was the only one that was successful. Our computer is set to; did it just ping the computer?

Yes, I’d say you just pinged yourself. However, that’s the address defined for the wireless network adapter. Are you trying this using a wireless connection, or a wired one? It’s never a good idea to try to reimage a cRIO over Wi-Fi; too much can go wrong.