HELP! Help me prove I was at Archimedes!

Alright, so I have to do five hours of community service as part of my economics class. Given the fact that I worked all three days on Archimedes, I’m sure I’ve beaten that mark.

Problem is, Lynn Casey (the volunteer coordinator at FIRST) is having trouble getting an email to my teacher. (stupid spam filters…)

So, can anyone show any evidence that I was working on any/all of the days? Photos, eyewitness accounts, DNA samples, that busted chair (long story)…anything at all would help. (If you don’t know what I look like, see my photo by my name.)


Try looking in here to see if you see yourself:

He was indeed. DJ, David Kelly, Tom Schindler, Dave Ferreira, myself… we could all vouch for you. Would that work?

/edit: I’d vouch for you, but apparently in every picture I am blocked out by the goals, other people, random objects… etc. Argh. :o

You were there Bill, way more than 5 hours too :wink: . I appreciate all of your help with doing realtime scoring and all that. If you need me to vouch for you, sign my life away, etc, I will be happy to do that. I’m sure that there would also be some pictures some people took that show your face. DJ, did you get any looking toward the scoring table?

Let me know if you need me to help you out in any way.


He was there!

The Georgia Dome is missing a chair cause of him :slight_smile:

Yes it was way more than 5 hours…

This picture might help…



Thanks a bunch y’all…gee whiz, I posted in third block and got all the proof I needed in fourth!

I went next door to my econ teacher to show this topic to her, but then she shows me the printed email from Lynn Casey.

Thanks–+5 cool points to all of y’all!