Help, If you need it, in Houston.

I would like to offer help to any team that needs help next week at finals. Wildstang will have a variety of team members in hardware, software and electrical available to assist anyone who needs it. I will be available from Thursday afternoon on if you have problems or would just like to show me your bot. If I am not in the pit, please leave your name and team number in our pit and I will try to get to you.
Otherwise I will be walking around in the pit checking everything out. Hope to see you there.

The BeachBot’s will also be willing to help. I’d tell you to contact me, but I will be busy inspecting robots.

We will have technical mentors from all disciplines there and all have been with the team for several years in addition to their vast professional experience.

In my absence, I’d say that Tom Frietag, our Fearless Leader would be the guy to contact.

461 Can also help anyone who needs it.

Contact Me, or ask for Mr. Florence or Shannon Schnepp and we can direct you to someone who can help. We’ll have an ME professor in or around our pits…and a bunch of seniors in different engineering and technology fields…

And our electrical team is pretty knowlegable.

Or just say hi.

I’m sure all other members of 122 will be happy to help!

I myself will either be scouting, meeting teams, or watching matches. So go ahead and find me, I’m always happy to help with whatever I can! :smiley:

Beach Cities will help if we make it to finals. Veteran students and mentors.

We also have MCSE programmer, Aerospace engineer and Northrop robotics’ engineer.

As is 384. If you need anything, we will try to help as much as we can. If we can’t, just talk to one of the other teams, and vice versa.

In the curie division if you need help with anything don’t hesitate to stop by team 386’s voltage pit. We will be glad to help with anything from robot problems to computer programming.
Any of us in the pit can help so ask for any of us.

Mad props to all of you volunteering your support. This is what FIRST is about.
470, in Curie, will also be on hand to help where we can or just to talk. We’re pretty cool people and we don’t bite. And we’ll give you a fuzzy :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by voltage *
**In the curie division if you need help with anything don’t hesitate to stop by team 386’s voltage pit. We will be glad to help with anything from robot problems to computer programming.
Any of us in the pit can help so ask for any of us. **

Or come by 234’s pit if you need anything done w/ a bandsaw or need some help with something else. Look for us in the Curie Division. :slight_smile:

Yes i agree with MissAbi , you all deserve “MAD PROPS” offering help and stuff is cool. You guys that offer help are making other teams that need help feel really good about FIRST. EX: This year at UCF, our automode program was lsot for a while, and we had to repair it without the OI, but when we got to compeitions, COMBBAT helped us out. THANKS COMBBAT AND ALL OTHER FIRST TEAMS that volunteer their services among the ocean of busy tasks that they have. YOU GUYS ROCK!

Will this turn into one of those things where we will hunt down people who need help and then sabotage people going to other people? “Hey, I see you want something from this team. We have it too. Do you want it?” I also see one freshman walk up to a team and ask for something only to find 20 people from other teams lunge for him and pry him away and get him to go to their pits. “NO!! OURS IS BETTER!” “DON’T GO THERE! WE GIVE AWAY FREE DOUGHNUTS!!!” “GET YOUR HANDS OFF!” “I SAW HIM FIRST!”

*Originally posted by JosephM *
**Will this turn into one of those things where we will hunt down people who need help and then sabotage people going to other people? “Hey, I see you want something from this team. We have it too. Do you want it?” I also see one freshman walk up to a team and ask for something only to find 20 people from other teams lunge for him and pry him away and get him to go to their pits. “NO!! OURS IS BETTER!” “DON’T GO THERE! WE GIVE AWAY FREE DOUGHNUTS!!!” “GET YOUR HANDS OFF!” “I SAW HIM FIRST!” **

coughWE HAVE SEGWAYS!cough

:wink: :smiley:

Well, team 5 is willing to help any one in any division. Just stop by, or get it announced.

If you are feeling glum, just stop by and I guarantee when you look at me you will laugh…

What? I tend to doubt that something even remotely similar to that will EVER happen. The reason teams help other teams is so that the teams that need the help will get it. They don’t do it for themselves (although this can be considered an added benefit I suppose). That is, the act of helping other teams is somewhat altruistic … as long as help is being given, it doesn’t matter who is giving it out. The teams should just be happy that someone is being helped.

I suppose it was a joke … but it doesn’t hurt to say it. Just think about gracious profesionalism. That certainly doesn’t sound like it is gracious and professional TO THE TEAM THAT NEEDS THE HELP (afterall, it is them that it all is about).

Anyway, team 122 is definately willing to help out … any questions about autonomous mode especially. After many long nights before and after VCU we finally got it right (and beutiful!) at Philly, so consider it our specialty :slight_smile:


cough they might auto-balance soon cough


Hmm… I might need to seek out Dave again and ask for a ride.

*Originally posted by Al Skierkiewicz *
**I would like to offer help to any team that needs help next week at finals. Wildstang will have a variety of team members in hardware, software and electrical available to assist anyone who needs it. I will be available from Thursday afternoon on if you have problems or would just like to show me your bot. If I am not in the pit, please leave your name and team number in our pit and I will try to get to you.
Otherwise I will be walking around in the pit checking everything out. Hope to see you there. **

I think I’ll take you up on that offer…

How about one of those Wildstang Guidance Systems??? Can we have one? :smiley:

If you are feeling glum, just stop by and I guarantee when you look at me you will laugh…

It helped me get through Great Lakes

MOE 365 will hlp any team in any way, we have parts and many trained people to help with any problem
we have lots of tools and such to help anyone. or just stop by our pits

*Originally posted by Matt Attallah *
**Well, team 5 is willing to help any one in any division. Just stop by, or get it announced.

If you are feeling glum, just stop by and I guarantee when you look at me you will laugh… **

Hey Matt. We will be 2 pits over. Had a blast with you guys at Ypsi!! REally dug the “wing flapping” and low rider lift test sessions!! You guys are a hoot to be around. Hopefully you’ll have a better run in Texas. We love your robot. You guys have some really cool stuff in her. Also love your sweet control system!

Also, Team RUSH’s pit is open to all who need any type of asistance. We do make house calls too. :cool:

Team 21 will be having the Spare Parts Database in our pits. Please contribute by downloading the spreadsheet at our site at to make the system better! I’m also planning on hosting an autonomous coding workshop/discussion on Thursday like I did at UCF, I’ll hand out information to all the teams Thursday morning on what I plan on doing. If you need autonomous help just look for me! :slight_smile: Good luck guys.