Help in Hub City Regional - Lubbock


Please, our team 1860 - Cephatron needs help with lent batteries, because we are a international team (Brazil) and for us that need a international trip, the battery transportation is very difficult, maybe impossible (So, our batteries will stay here).

We are planning to buy 3 batteries when arrive in Lubbock, TX.::ouch::

At the end of the competition, again we will have problems to transport the batts to Brazil, so we will donate for any team that want.

Please, Could some teams, lend for us two or more batteries. ? This will help us. At the end we will devolve these batteries. :smiley:


Team 1860

Contact FRC Team Support ([email protected]); unless something changed this year and I didn’t catch wind, there is an allocation of batteries that travel with the field for international teams competing.

(Not that lining up a couple more is a bad idea.)

Because of the obstacle and defence heavy nature of FIRST Stronghold, lining up a few more batteries is definitely a good idea. Normally International teams are given lent two batteries, these batteries usually aren’t the best. This will probably be the same for quite a few rookie teams, as they will only have the two batteries which came in the KOP. Most teams which have been around for a while, should have plenty of batteries that they are happy to lend out

Usually whenever I have been at a regional there have been team that needs a part that they don’t have in their pit, like a bolt of a certain size or some connectors that they need for their electronics and from what I remember they went to Pit Admin and they made an announcement over the PA asking if there were any teams that were willing to lend them what they needed. Perhaps this is a course that you could take with batteries, asking teams once you get there if anybody would be willing to loan you some.

My team is also competing at Hub City. We’d be happy to lend you 8 one-year-old batteries for the competition.


Thank you guys for all suggestions, for us outside US this is a challenge every year.


Your help will be very usefull to us, see you there :smiley: .

