Help in raising funds

As you might know, the Israeli Regional was held 2 days ago. My team, 1574, is the first regional winner, so, we have received the opportunity of competing in the Championship in Atlanta. Because the Regional was held to close to the Championship, we don’t have nearly any time to raise funds for our extremely costly trip.
Just for you to know, only the flight ticket costs 1200$.
Currently we are short of an enormous amount of money.

If there is anyone, a company or an organization, who by any change could or would support our team in flying to Atlanta, please contact me either by a private message or by e-mail to the address: [email protected]

Thanks you very much and hoping to see you all in Atlanta,


Hi to all FRC Teams going to the Championship.

Team 1574 needs your help!

Show that we are all one big family and lets all help this great team from Israel to get to Atlanta!

If each team will only donate $ 10 to 1574 they will be able to make it!
But I am sure we all can make it even better for them.

Our Team #1015 already transfered $200 to 1574.

Lets help this fellow First team, by showing our gracious team-work and support!

You can transfer funds (every $ will help) to:

Pay to Misgav Hagalil

Bank Leumi, Acco Branch, 10/960
Account no: 11850073


Mike Snapir
Pioneer High School
Departments of Physics Mathematics and Tech. Ed.
Physics-Analysis, and Tech. Ed. Teacher
Pioneer Robotics Team #1015 Coordinator and Mentor