Help needed in research project

Hi FRC Community!
We are part of a FRC team, and we are developing our final project in our research class. The topic that we chose is girls in FIRST, we would really appreciate if any girls in here could answer this Google Forms. :))

Thanks a lot! :handshake:

P.S. If you have any doubt please let me know.


Might help to put your team number in the survey so people know who they’re giving their information to?
I know and trust 4400 but only know it’s your survey from context of you posting and having the team number in your profile, not the actual page :slight_smile:


Agreed. Taking it a little further, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to add a block of text asking for informed consent. It would explain, at the minimum, the purpose of the research, any risks or discomfort to the participants, and how the participant’s data will be protected.

Any human research that has any intention of being presented in the wider academic community must have something like that. Well, that and a country appropriate ethics review. A full review, too, for research involving minors! But a school assignment that isn’t being published would still benefit from having clarity on how the data is being kept (presumably) anonymous. It’s also just best practice and a good habit to get into.

I answered the survey honestly but I felt like this needed to be said additionally. Allthough there are always issues, normally with new people assuming who is leading and what they know my team is amazing at standing up for others and getting their point across. One thing we did last year in the off season was reassemble the drive base gear boxes. It was the start of my senior year, 5th year on the team and I was leading build and electrical along with being team captain (I had been in a leadership position since 8th grade). We had some new people come that night and I always explaining what to do, they responded “no I want him to explain” pointing to some random kid starting his 2nd year and unprompted (I would have let him explain if he wanted) he replied “no you want to listen to her I have no idea what’s happening”. Yes it takes a while to prove yourself to some people when you are a girl but having a team that will stand up for you once you have is an amazing feeling.

Thanks to everyone who participated and also for your feedback!

We already collected enough answers. :slight_smile:

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