Help Needed: National Robotics Week Slogan Poll

Voting has started for the slogan for National Robotics Week. A FIRST Robotics member from Team 1557 - 12 Volt Bolt is one of the finalists with his slogan of “Connecting Creativity and Science”. It would be awesome if a FIRST Robotics member were to be the winner, but more importantly it’s a cool idea to support National Robotics Week. Please cast your vote by visiting <>. Vote for your favorite. Voting ends January 24th, 2011.

Have a great day!

When is National Robotics Week?

April 9-17, 2011

Let’s help this guy out!!!

Right now he is at 15% of the vote and the leader is at 73%… with only a little over 300 votes…
I would say if about 500 of us vote for this it would be in the lead…!!!

The POWER Of Chief Delphi and FIRST is called on!!

Besides the one that’s winning is
“Tomorrow is already here…”
is lame and not physically even possible…

(caveat… if a FIRST student or mentor proposed this one… it is pretty cool… lol)