Help Needed: Runtime Exception in Autonomous Code

Hey Chief Delphi community,

I’m currently facing a challenging issue with our team’s robot code and could use some guidance. We’ve been working on implementing the new Pathplanner library into our Swerve drive code, and everything seems compatible with 2024 so far. However, when I deploy my code, I encounter a runtime exception, and the Driver Station reports “no robot code.”

Here’s a link to our GitHub repository with the code: GitHub - t3team-laptop/Swerve-2024 at Pathplanner-mess

If anyone’s encountered similar issues or have experience with the Pathplanner library, your expertise would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, if there are specific details you need to help diagnose the problem, please let me know. I’m open to any suggestions or advice that could point us in the right direction.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

could you cut and paste the whole error message? there’s usually useful stuff in there.

I ran into a smilar situation yesterday.
I had just forgotten to image the Rio with the 2024 image.

I found my error! It was a NullPointerException somewhere else in my code! Here are images of the error if anyone ever falls into a similar trap!