Hey everyone… I’m the crazy guy with all the pins and tie-dye on team 88… There is rumors on my team that the leader of the art team is retiring after next year… I’m going to step up and have me as a student try to see if I can run all the meetings. I really like the tie-dye… We have had it since we joined FIRST in 1996 (except for a mistake in the '99 season where we went with similar tie-dye but not the real thing)… I was wondering who likes our tie-dye and wants us to keep it??? I know I love it and the rest of the team does…
A team color or mascot (or tie dye) helps define who a team is. Everybody knows 88 as the “crazy tie-died team” and to change it would only hurt yourselves and you’re team’s moral because you wouldn’t be so well known anymore.
I associate teams more easily with colors than with numbers… and I think many others do too. To change it would only confuse people.
And c’mon! You only ‘show up’ to an event and you win a spirit award!
Keep the TIE DYE!!!
Well I don’t know about winning the spirit awards anymore because we only won it this year at the BAE regional… I hope the spirit is not dying… I know mine isnt so I guess I’ll have to help build it back up…
Do you mean that Moe is retiring?
Say it isn’t so!
Of course you should keep the tie-dye, just like 814 is keeping the wood!! It defines your team as who they are. If you’ve already got a reputation of being a crazy tie-dyed team you shouldn’t ruin it…
You’ve had it since 1996??? Keep it! Like Erin said, it defines who you are. A few years ago, the idea of changing our robot’s name to something other than TOBOR surfaced. It was completely shot down because, well, that’s who we are and how people know us!
Keep the tie-dye.
- Katie
No Mike don’t worry… Moe isn’t done yet… It’s Mr. Phaneuf the art teacher…
Dude seriously if you guys stopped being tye-dyed then the socks i got off of you guys would go out of style.
everybody has to have their thing. your tie dye lets other teams identify you. you gotta keep what your known by, otherwise people will get confused!!!
We’ll keep it…