Been working on this problem for the last few days and I am not able to compile this. Any help would be much appreciated. Please find the source code here
In the link, I have the example file that I got by following the instructions on the control system web page for FRC 2019 to get our vision working using a coprocessor. Following the instruction on the read me page and I am still not able to get it going. I am using visual studio code with the WPI extension to compile this.
The First error that I ran into was "* What went wrong: Could not determine java version from ‘11.0.1’ " after a lot of troubleshooting i figured out the issue was with Gradle and I had to update it to at least 4.7 to fix it.
Once I fixed the Gradle version error by updating my gradle, the next error was " *** What went wrong: Could not create service of type ScriptPluginFactory using BuildScopeServices.createScriptPluginFactory().> Could not create service of type PluginResolutionStrategyInternal using BuildScopeServices.createPluginResolutionStrategy().** " with some more troubleshooting i fixed this by downloading java JDK 10 and reconfiguring to compile with Java 10 instead of Java 11. After downgrading to Java 10 now I get “* What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:compileJava’. > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.”. And I had no idea where to find the compiler output.
Thanks in advance for your help