HELP! - Rookie USB key not in KOP

Hi guys. We need to image our classmate but the USB key didn’t come w/ our KOP. I’ve been looking everywhere for where we can download it but can’t find it.

Can somebody tell me where we can download the files and make our own USB? We put this on our list of missing parts but don’t want to wait for it to arrive via snail mail.


I don’t believe you will be able to download it anywhere yet, unless another team uploads it. You should have reported it before today, and they would have sent you a new one.

The USB stick was handed to (someone) when you received your Kit. It was checked off on the inventory sheet, and (someone) signed for it. It’s not inside the black or green tote, it was on top and loose, with the signal light, secondary regulator, and sensor board. Maybe that will help you find it.

Unfortunately, none of the Rookie / Sacramento kits had them, so we’re all scrambling. If somebody could post it somewhere it would help a lot of teams out!

Jack Covert

Actually, the USB stick was left out of all Rookie KOPs in the Sacramento Region, so we’re all scrambling to get them. If somebody could post up the files, that would really help a lot of people out!

I don’t have a rookie USB drive, but if anybody does and has nowhere to host - DropBox has easily shareable public hosting perfect for this (

I also seem to remember hearing that FIRST was able to electronically distribute images for teams that mistakenly got the wrong key. I could be incorrect though.

EDIT: I would recommend calling your regional manager as it will the quickest way to help in my experience.

Basicxman - good idea on the regional, I’ll see if they can help!

Any rookies willing/able to post the files??

Called FIRST to let them know about the problem, they’re telling the KOP engineer, I’ll let you guys know if I can get them to host the files online…

If you download the DS files from NI found here:

You should be able to run the Driver Station from your laptop.

I have a rookie thumbdrive and will post an ISO image of it online shortly

@Jon236, will those files install the OS and do all else that the thumb drive is intended to do?

@Fletch1373, you would be a hero to a lot of teams in Sacramento if you could do this…

Can someone post the veteran image, we lost our key

Update: We haven’t gotten anything yet. Anybody? We have a place to host it…

@Trevor1743 - good luck!

Sorry for the delay, I had to go to work.

I have been struggling for a while to get an ISO of this drive… for some reason, it’s near impossible to make an ISO of a flashdrive like you would with a CD/DVD(and I have a degree in Computer Science :ahh: ). I will copy the files over and build them into an ISO file, however, I can’t guarantee it will boot correctly without other modifications(but at least you’ll have the files you need)

I’ll keep trying to get it working though

Sorry, but I think that uploading an image of the drive is a violation of U.S copyright law, as well as the EULA that nearly all teams “agreed” to.

Thanks Fletcher!

would you mind pointing out why you feel this way? I realize the image contains a copy of windows that may not have expressly paid for(not exactly sure which parts of the kit was paid for by the $6500), but this image will ONLY work on the Classmate PC we received in the 2011 kit(without a significant number of missing drivers at least). In the spirit of FIRST, I don’t see any issues with hosting this online for other teams to use.

ok here’s an update:

I have the files hosted! I was having a lot of trouble(making the original ISO, then trying to get it onto my server). I was forced to split the ISO into 16MB files(:ahh: :confused: ) in order for the server to let me upload it(it likes to timeout…).

I’ve tried to make the process fairly easy, but if you have any questions please send me a message or post here.

  1. download this executable
  2. Run it. It will unzip a few files into a directory of your choosing.
  3. Open the folder you chose and run the “RUNME.bat” file. It will handle the downloading of the various parts of the ISO as well as start an application that joins them back together.
  4. When a prompt pops up asking you for file locations(titlebar should read “The File Splitter”), simply click the “OK” button
  5. Your ISO file should now reside in the folder you originally unzipped everything in. It should be called “FRC2011Rookie.iso”
  6. Move the ISO to a location of your choosing and delete the folder and it’s remaining contents

If the download freezes, or breaks somehow, most of the way through, don’t waste your time rerunning the application as it will re-download everything. There is a file called “files.txt” that contains a list of all the necessary files. Simply download the rest of the files manually and run the “Create_FRC2011Rookie.exe” file to join the parts together.

Please note that there are 206 parts, each being 15.5MB. This means you will be downloading over 3GB, which WILL take a while. Testing on my laptop shows that it took a little over an hour at ~800KB/s

The issue is not a GP one. It is in the spirit of FIRST to help teams get missing software. However, the issue is a legal one, because it basically contains expensive software for free, in violation of copyright laws.

The proper procedure for obtaining a missing USB key is through FIRST. If they had reported the missing key immediately (did they?) they would probably already have a replacement.