Help Tassie Team 5593

G’Day FIRST Community,

We need your help!

Due to the recent floods down in Tasmania, the small island at the bottom of Australia, Team 5593 (UTAS Robotics) has lost nearly everything. Their lab flooded and severely damaged their lab, robots, and parts. Given their island location, their season costs are already high as they have to travel to the mainland for competitions. This damage is putting their 2019 season in jeopardy as they look to rebuild from scratch.

This is where we need your help! We are working to help the team acquire robot components and monetary donations so they can continue participating in FRC. We have three ways you can help:

  1. If your team has gently used parts you can ship to Sydney, please fill out this form. We will be collecting parts here that Rockwell Automation has graciously agreed to ship to Tassie. So if you’re looking to upgrade your motor controllers, accidentally ordered a kitbot, or just have too many parts, please consider donating them to the cause! We’re hoping to send a shipment down in two weeks in time for them to participate in the Duel Down Under.

  2. Purchase limited edition Koala Foundation apparel! Given the popularity of 3132’s koala handouts, we decided to launch The Koala Foundation! We created space-themed apparel in honor of the 2019 FIRST Launch season. Go purchase a t-shirt or hoodie - 100% of the profits we see will go directly to team 5593 to help them replace what was lost. You can purchase Koala Foundation apparel here.

  3. Share this thread! We know it’s the offseason, and Northern Hemisphere schools are about to let out, so please share this around. One of our favorite things about the FIRST family is our ability to come together and help each other out. So, share, share share! You can also tag Team 5593 on Facebook here.

Thank you all so much and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to PM me!