Is this a C or a C++ project? Perhaps (Like Jeremiah said, you could supply more information). Do you need help laying it out, or need help coding it? What is your knowledge of C/C++?
We would love to help out, just give us some more info!
Thanx for helping…it is a C Program.My teacher asked us to come up with any program .We learnt Swich statements.Else if,Is Then Else,if, while,do/while,if/else,for…
Thanx for helping.
My topic is Making a complicated program for Movie reservation…
First, you should think about how you want to lay out your program. What types of things do you want to keep track of, what types of things do you want the user to be able to do, how do you want to format the UI, etc. Writing down a plan is usually a good place to start.
Your plan should grow into something so comprehensive that you should be able to just sit down (when you are done with the plan) and turn english words into C code. It is usually a bad practice to think about how the program is going to work as you are coding it.
When starting a software project think of the tools available. C or C++ or C# would take a fair amount of work to produce a good program for your app. A high level enviroment like Access would allow you to whip up a good proto type real fast and with a few scripts and VB code could yield a very usable app with little time invested. Time to market can be everything.
This thread is starting to sound like “Dear Chief Delphi, please do my homework for me. Thanks.”
Please don’t take advantage of all the intelligent and helpful people here by having them earn your grades for you.
grab a C tutorial like this one:
start with a ‘Hello World’ application, then move into some user interfacing and take it from there
complex programs are just that: complex. it takes time to write them, and you can’t ask other people to do them for you. BUT if I was going to do this assignment, I’d start with a menu, and then you have functions that yo ucan call from the menu to take actions associated with your bank or movie reservations.
good luck!