Our team developed a React and Electron based dashboard and have used this dashboard in the last two seasons. This season we have had a lot of problems with the roborio communication because of the new Networktables 4. We switched to a new library @Chris2fourlaw for robot communication and it has worked great be we have a problem when this order of actions happens:
Dashboard is opened
Dashboard writes to some topics on startup
Dashboard prints to console: Topic {topicname} is not announced, so it cannot be updated
(when this happens the shuffleboard shows the entries and values that where written to)
Robot code is deployed and all topic are cleared
Robot reads from entries that the dashboard just wrote to
Robot tries to write to those entries but they stay just as they were
From what we’ve gathered this happens everytime a topic is written to from the dashboard before it is written to from the robot so we tried writing to all the topics a default value on startup but this doesn’t fix the problem that I explained above.
We used the library exactly as explained in the Readme in the same order.