hey guys
We were trying to use an inductive sensor as digital but when we config the digital IO it doesn’t work any1 had the same problem???
hey guys
We were trying to use an inductive sensor as digital but when we config the digital IO it doesn’t work any1 had the same problem???
What is the part number of the sensor you are using? What kind of output signal does it provide? What pins on the roboRIO is it connected to?
How are you configuring the digital input? What are you expecting it to do, and what is it doing instead?
E2E-X5MF2-M1 inductive sensor it provides 0~1 signal we connect on the DIO 9
we use the simple example of DIO
we expect to use this on the robot to up the arm when the arm reach the limit height the sensor stop the motor
If I’m reading the data sheet correctly, that’s a 12 volt part with a PNP output. It is not directly compatible with the roboRIO’s 5 volt digital input. You will have to provide interface circuitry between the sensor and the input pin.
i notice that we are using the 12V port but the signal we put on the DIO9